
Ludlow, Shropshire, U.K. .

Ludlow, Shropshire, U.K.

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When my story on journalists and weblogs came out last week I wasn't able to post a batch of related links as I usually do, and by now nobody cares. But I did want to point to this post in Sheila Lennon's weblog on the Providence Journal's site, in which she offers the full text of our e-mail interview. Only a small bit of this made it into the finished story so I'm glad she made the whole thing available. This idea prompted some commentary on other sites, and Sheila followed up.

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Reader mail:

Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 23:54:47 -0400
Subject: "relatively obscure"?!
From: matt pfeffer

I figure you've been sent this already, but just in case:

This Reuters piece mentions you wrt your Google bomb. (The irony of a newswire calling one of its subjects "relatively obscure" appears to have escaped our intrepid reporter.)

Speaking of obscurity, my rival's official site has vanished. Either he is abandoning the struggle for Google dominance or he forgot to pay the hosting bill.

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Blogger seems to have obliterated the previous two entries so I'm pasting them into this one in such a way that you may not even notice.

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9.27.2002 :

Hello from London. A few things noticed:

If you've been out drinking here and don't want to drive home, you can call the ScooterMan. He will drive over on his scooter, fold it up, stick it in your trunk and drive you home in your car. (Are there no ScooterWomen?)

London Open House was last weekend. More than 500 buildings in the city that are normally closed to the public were opened up so architecture geeks could come in and check them out. Why doesn't New York do this?

Hyundai is using the Velvet Underground's "I'm Sticking With You" in a television commercial here. I'm not sure why. It's not a very good song.

U.K. people: Don't forget to try out Shazam and let me know how it goes.

Go check out some links.

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9.23.2002 :

Hello from Ludlow, Shropshire, U.K.

I wrote a story for today's NYT business section about journalists with blogs and the perks and pitfalls they're encountering: Reporters Find New Outlet, and Concerns, in Web Logs.

If you're in the U.K., do me a favor and try out Shazam. It's a new service that identifies songs for you over your mobile phone. Useful in bars etc. Send me your review, which I may post or use in a story.

No new photos until next week. Sorry.